
This site is an archive to the great work that DJY Research produced. We greatly enjoyed writing about so many great Asian companies, but overtime we found the focus to be too narrow and the team’s personal objectives changed. However, KG has launched a new research product that produces the same high quality reports, but focused on the best companies globally!

Check out Speedwell Research for phenomenal in-depth stock analysis on great businesses! 

Note: This site will live on as an archive for all prior DJY members to access. Additionally, we have decided to grant new Speedwell members access to the archive and in turn old DJY Members will have access to Speedwell Research.  

Welcome to DJY Research.

DJY stands for Dujiangyan — an ancient irrigation system in China (constructed ~256 BC) that is still in use to this day.

While Dujiangyan may be the world’s oldest surviving infrastructure system, that is far from the most interesting thing about it. There are many old, dormant things that have survived for centuries. What’s incredible about Dujiangyan is that it is still functioning and used today as a vital irrigation system that sifts clean water to hundreds of millions of people. But it wasn’t just the wisdom of the ancients or some prescient and prodigious engineering acumen that brought about such a long lasting feat — it was the years and years of simple attentive and relentless iteration.

We hypothesize that great companies are built the same way. Every time an earthquake cracked the structural foundation of the system, the issue was caught early and fixed quickly before it could cause a larger systemic issue. DJY is an ode to those dedicated and restless operators who relentlessly strive for excellence — both in business and in life.

Here at DJY, while we take pride in making a good looking product, we will never put form over utility.

We judge ourselves on our ability to hone in on the few key drivers that really matter to a business, ignoring the minutiae of information that would distract from truly understanding the core business.

If you want to see what kind of work you can expect from us, check out our sample reports on Bilibili and Sea Limited. We’ve also covered Alibaba, Coupang, Didi, Grab, and Nintendo.

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